DREZ surgery or Lissauer's Tractotomy and Medullary Posterior Horn Lesion consists of the dorsal spinal cord lesion in the dorsal entry zone. It can be performed with scalpel blade, or most commonly used technique, radiofrequency lesions. It is indicated for treatment of refractory spasticity and in cases of neuropathic pain, especially myelopathic pain.
Patients with brachial plexus lesion with neuropathic pain in the upper limb may present complete relief after DREZ surgery or Lissauer's Tract Lesion and Medullary Posterior Horn (or DREZotomy). It can be performed in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine, uni or bilaterally. Dr. Bernardo de Monaco applies a combination of DREZotomy surgery and Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy is selected cases to optimize the treatment of spasticity. Dr. Monaco, as well, developed a new technique to perform DREZotomy using intraoperative ultrasound, improving results and diminishing complications.

The following link contains pictures of surgeries and procedures that can impress the visitor. Caution is recommended!